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Code of Conduct

Get Involved

Any reputable person, firm, partnership, estate, association or corporation conducting business on Abaco may apply for membership in the Abaco Chamber of Commerce.  Membership levels and fees are detailed below.  Please note that all new memberships must be approved by the Board of Directors.

Let's Make A Change on Abaco

Here is our mandate:


We the members of the Abaco Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall at all times:

1.   Obey the laws of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas both in letter and spirit and those of the countries in which we conduct business.

2.   Never knowingly assist any third party in violating any law.

3.   Demonstrate ethical behavior in all business transactions, reject and actively discourage corrupt behavior and bribery by means of the exchange of cash, gifts or information.

4.   Not provide or attempt to provide and gain commercial advantage by improper inducements, favors or benefits directly or indirectly so as to influence Government officials and/or public servants.

5.   Not knowingly mislead any Government investigator or other regulatory official and at all times provide truthful and accurate information about our performance to any government regulatory agency, inquiry or investigation.

6.   Abide by the by-laws of the Abaco Chamber of Commerce and Industry, enhance its reputation, profile, and status and faithfully represent and support the Chamber in delivering on its Mission and Goals to the business community and wider public.


We the members of the Abaco Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall at all times:

1.   Foster and provide a respectful, non-discriminatory, safe and harassment-free workplace as required by law.

2.   Aspire to create a work environment of mutual trust and respect in which diversity and inclusion are valued.

3.   Recognize and seek to competitively reward employees for their performance based on merit and assist employees to maximize their full potential within the means afforded by our company.

4.   Recruit and select employees based on merit, qualifications, demonstrated skills and achievements.

5.   Ensure that our employment practices and policies comply with all labor laws and are consistent with good industrial relations practices.

6.   Respect the right of employees to freedom of association and encourage bona fide negotiations when conflicts arise within the appropriate legal framework.

7.   Respect the confidentiality of all information relating to our employees.


We the members of the Abaco Chamber of Commerce and Industry have a responsibility at all times to:


1.   Treat all customers fairly in all aspects of our business transactions and respect the integrity and diversity of the cultures of our customers.

2.   Provide all customers with goods and services for use in accordance with the directions of the regulatory bodies.

3.   Provide all of customers with appropriate remedies for addressing customer dissatisfaction, and observe and uphold the provisions of any legislation in forced in Guyana for addressing such complaints.

4.   Preserve the confidentiality and trustworthiness of business relationships, divulging only such information as may be required by law or authorized by the customer.


We the members of the Abaco Chamber of Commerce and Industry share the Common principle that our suppliers are our business partners and play a critical role in our ability to operate and provide goods and services to our customers.

We therefore have a responsibility at all times to:


1.   Be fair in all business transactions.

2.   Ensure that business transactions are free from coercion, vexatious or frivolous litigation, thus promoting fair competition.

3.   Foster long-term stability in the supplier relationship and respect the sanctity of contracts and business relations in return for value, quality and reliability.

4.   Share information with each other subject to legal and competitive constraints, and integrate suppliers into our planning processes in order to achieve stable relationships.

5.   Respect the confidentiality of business relationships, divulging only such information as required by law or authorized by the supplier and careful not to give one supplier’s confidential business information to another.

6.   Encourage members to conduct business with suppliers who act in a manner consistent with our Code of Conduct and Standard Business Principles.


We the members of the Abaco Chamber of Commerce and Industry believe in honoring the trust our investors and shareholders placed in us and therefore it is expected that at all times:


1.   Ensure professional and diligent management is applied to secure a fair and competitive return on investment.

2.   We conserve, protect and enhance shareholders’ assets.

3.   We disclose all relevant information to investors and shareholders in a timely manner.

4.   We address all requests, suggestions, complaints and formal resolutions made by investors and shareholders.


We the members of the Abaco Chamber of Commerce and Industry agree that free and fair competition is critical for a well-functioning open market economy and contributes to increasing the wealth of the country and its citizenry. We therefore shall: 

1.   Engage in fair trade and competition within the realms of the law.


2.   Not knowingly make payments, offer inducements or grant favors in exchange for competitive advantages.

3.   Respect for both trademark and intellectual property rights.


We the members of the Abaco Chamber of Commerce and Industry have responsibilities to the communities in which we do business and therefore shall at all times:


1.   Strive to be a trusted corporate citizen, play an active role in the community and demonstrate corporate social responsibility.

2.   Support any public policies and practices that promote harmony between business and other segments of society and to make representation on policies that do not.

3.   Promote and stimulate sustainable development.

4.   Support measures that promote peace, security and diversity in the community.

5.   Embrace measures that promote the advancement of the community through educational, cultural, environmental and other similar initiatives.


We the members of the Abaco Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall at all times:

1.   Strive to minimize any damage to the environment arising from our activities.


2.   Reduce the environmental and health impact of our operations through responsible use of natural resources, our conservation practices and the reduction of waste and emissions.

3.   Ensure that in the production of goods and services that we meet lawful environmental standards related to our respected industries.

4.   Arrange for the safe handling, transport and disposal of raw materials, products and waste according to law.

5.   Work in partnership with others to promote environmental care, increase the understanding of environmental issues and disseminate information on good practices.

Proud Sponsors

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Abaco Chamber of Commerce
  • Public Relations Committee

  • Crime and Justice Committee

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Trade and Business Development Committee

  • Chamber's Environment, Safety and Health Committee

  • Training and Education Committee

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